After a bereavement you may need financial support. The Department of Social Protection provides certain once-off payments to help out families during this difficult time.
Your local Department of Social Protection representative (formerly known as the Community Welfare Officer) deals with some of these payments. You must have made a certain number of PRSI contributions to be eligible for some social welfare payments. You may be eligible for other payments, if you pass a means test or if you are in urgent need. Time limits apply for many payments, so apply as early as is possible.
You cannot be expected to do everything right away, but if the deceased was getting a social welfare payment or you were claiming for them as a dependent or you were getting a Carer’s Allowance to look after them, it’s important that you notify the Department of Social Protection within the first few days of the death.
Notifying the Department does not mean the payment will be taken back immediately. In many cases, the spouse, civil partner, cohabitant, parent or carer may continue to receive a payment for six weeks following a death.
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension is a weekly payment to the husband, wife or civil partner of a deceased person. This payment was formerly called the Widow’s/Widower’s (Contributory) Pension. Either you or your deceased spouse or civil partner must have enough social insurance contributions (PRSI).
To qualify you must, of course, be a widow, widower or surviving civil partner and you must not be cohabiting with another person.
If you are divorced and you would have been entitled to a Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension had you remained married, you keep your entitlement to the Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension.
If your civil partnership has been dissolved and you would have been entitled to a Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension had you remained in the civil partnership, you keep your entitlement to the Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension.
The pension is payable regardless of other income. Since 27 December 2013, new applicants for Widow’s, Widow(er)’s Contributory Pension and Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension need 260 paid PRSI contributions to qualify (previously 156 contributions were required).
Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant
This grant is available to widows, widowers or surviving civil partners who have one or more dependent children living with them at the date of death, or a widow or surviving civil partner whose child is born within 10 months of the date of death of her spouse or civil partner.
For the purpose of the Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant, a qualified child is a child up to age 18, who is normally resident in the State and who is living with you. A child aged between 18 and 22 who is normally resident in the State continues to be a qualified child provided they are in full-time education at a recognised school or college. This grant is a once-off payment of €6,000. Payment of the Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant is made by cheque, payable to the widow, widower or surviving civil partner.
This is issued immediately following the decision of the Deciding Officer on one of the above payments.
The above information was taken from the citizens information website and was accurate at the time of print. For further details please check
Credit Union
A bereavement grant is available from participating credit unions based on your shares. Please contact your local credit union for further details.
Our experienced funeral directors, Peter Massey and Gillian Massey, are personally available around the clock to ensure every last detail is handled with compassion and empathy.

Peter Massey
Peter can be reached at anytime on
+353 87 136 3162

Gillian Massey
Gillian can be contacted at
+353 86 171 8945